Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sun Feb 22, 2009 news snippets

Credits, Modifications, Stimulus, Oh My!

Question: "Where can I obtain a copy of the stimulus bill just passed?"
Answer: The entire text of the stimulus bill is posted on the Web site of the U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Appropriations.
Last year's $7500 Homebuyer Credit / Loan vs this year's $8000 credit
$7,500 tax credit, which was part of the Housing Recovery Act passed last summer. You don't have to start repaying
it for two years from the date of sale, and you have 15 more years to pay it all back. The value of this, which
amounts to a tax-free loan, is about $4,000.
vs. 2009 credit: house must be purchased between Jan. 1, 2009 and Nov. 30, 2009 to qualify. Unfortunately, the way
the stimulus bill was drafted makes it like two tax credit programs that run consecutively. The 2009 purchaser
receives a substantially more valuable credit.
=========================================The Death of Hardware
the two words "cloud computing" scare the hell out of Bill Gates.
thanks to the thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable laid during the late 1990s, the speed of computer networks has
finally caught up to the speed of the computer processors.
Suddenly computers that were once incompatible and isolated are now linked in a giant network, or "cloud."
As a result, computing is fast becoming a utility in much the same way that electricity did
Edward Morrison, a professor at Columbia Law School. "Only about one-third of existing foreclosures can be stopped

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